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Activities Track changes of all space activities. Slider Select a numeric value within a range. Vercel Deployments View Vercel deployments within Storyblok Palette Select a color from a customizable palette. Semrush Keywords Dive into one of the largest keyword research database on the market and analyse everything you need to know about a keyword. Trash Bin View and restore deleted content items. Clipboard History Access the clipboard history for easy copying. Autosave Automatically save changes while editing content. Code Block Write code snippets and highlight lines Colorpicker Choose a color from a color palette Netlify Builds View Netlify builds within Storyblok Task-Manager Create automation tasks which execute a webhook or lambda function. Translatable slugs Use different URLs for different language versions Content Locking Lock content for editing Approval Send approval requests with changelogs. (just for V1) Replace Asset Exchange assets globally from the asset library. Slack Connect Storyblok with your Slack workspace to receive updates on your space activities. SEO A group of meta tags for SEO Shopify Connect your Shopify ecommerce platform with Storyblok. Import Translatable Fields Import files exported from Storyblok for translations. S3 Backups Backup content to your own AWS S3 bucket. Pipelines Setup a content staging workflow with pipelines. Cloudinary Asset Manager Manage your assets with Cloudinary Releases Group content changes in releases and schedule publishing. Export Translatable Fields Export content item for usage in translation tools.