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Top 9 Strapi Alternatives for 2024

Gillian Mays
A cartoon person leaps through screens displaying abstract Strapi alternatives.

Strapi is an open-source headless CMS that runs on Javascript known for being developer-first. But issues such as poor documentation, limited plugins & extensions, and difficulty scaling have some users searching for a Strapi alternative.

We’ve assembled a list of the top 9 Strapi alternatives. Read on to learn more about the other similar options that might be a better fit for your organization.

1. Storyblok

Storyblok's visual editor, with a photo of earth on the left and an intuitive block-based structure on the right.

Storyblok's Visual Editor makes it a top Strapi alternative

Storyblok is a cloud-native headless CMS built to power next-generation content experiences. It’s frontend agnostic, meaning it works with any frontend, framework, or third-party solution. Thanks to its composable architecture, you can integrate and repurpose your work on any platform - with no limitations.

“No limitations” also applies to Storyblok’s ability to scale compared to Strapi’s. Strapi lacks some advanced features that are crucial to expanding a business, such as multi-site management and customizable workflow options.

Storyblok was designed with growth in mind. It provides users with ways to streamline content operations for faster, easier growth, including:

  • The intuitive Visual Editor that lets marketers work independently of developers
  • Customizable publishing workflows
  • Google-docs like Commenting and Discussions directly in the app
  • An advanced built-in Digital Asset Manager
An image of Storyblok's asset manager, with several stock photos and one with a close up and editing options.

Storyblok's Digital Asset Manager is built directly into the platform, providing you with advanced editing tools and an easy way to oversee your content

Another reason some users search out Strapi alternatives is the quality documentation it offers. As a leading Strapi alternative, Storyblok offers a robust Learning hub with multiple avenues of well-crafted resources and support. Quickstart guides for modern frameworks, in-depth developer tutorials, editor-friendly guides, and a Discord channel are just some of what Storybok offers.

Storyblok is also an industry leader in security: unlike many other systems including Strapi, Storyblok is an ISO 27001-certified CMS. That means it’s recognized by international standards as one of the most secure, enterprise-grade CMSs available.

Finally, Storyblok is also a constantly recognized favorite CMS:

Ready to try the leading Strapi alternative?

Start using Storyblok for free today

2. WordPress

WordPress's homepage, with a few lines of text and a black banner at the bottom.


WordPress is well known for being easy-to-use, but still fairly customizable through plugins. It’s also monolithic. Monolithic systems are simpler and often cheaper. However, they come with certain drawbacks such as limited scalability and rigid structure. That makes it a smart Strapi alternative for users looking for a system that can create simpler, smaller-scale projects at a lower price point.

3. Sophora

Sophora CMS homepage, with an example of the interface of the CMS.


For those with a focus on digital design, Sophora may be an interesting choice. Sophora is a modular CMS for content creation and curation, developed with the leading media houses. While some Sophora users may find the system a bit limited, they can increase the platform’s base functionalities through add-ons available at an additional cost.

4. Joomla

Joomla's homepage with a background image of people with their hands up


Joomla is another monolithic platform. One aspect that makes it stand out as a Strapi alternative is that it’s an open-source system, developed by a community of volunteers. Some users feel that this approach to code makes it higher quality. It also offers an easy-to-use text editor. Using the CMS is free, but keep in mind that you’ll foot the bill for associated costs such as web hosting, any customization in development, and routine maintenance.

5. Contentful

Contentful's homepage with graphics of the interface and an option to sign up.


With a strong user community and early introduction in the headless space, Contentful is an established player in the CMS market. Teams can choose from various integrations as well as launch content changes with CI and CD features. While its price point can be a limiting factor for some users, those looking for a Strapi alternative and willing to pay for the additional functionality may find what they’re looking for in Contentful.

6. Umbraco

Umbraco's CMS homepage


For another open-source Strapi alternative, users can look to Umbraco. Umbraco is a downloadable NET CMS that offers developers flexibility and scalability. While Umbraco is not ISO 27001 certified, it can still be made GDPR compliant and has a reputation for general security. Similar to Strapi, Umbraco is very developer-first, which can be a benefit to users not working closely with marketing teams.

7. Magnolia

Magnolia's homepage with a green and black block design


Magnolia is a CMS based on content repository API for Java. It supports many popular programming languages and offers an internal asset management system with folder structures. You can also install it anywhere – a computer, a data center, or any preferred cloud platform. While it isn’t always great for mass scale, it can be a good Strapi alternative for single sites.

8. Prismic

Prismic's CMS with a variety of colorful devices on the background.


As a private, self-funded headless CMS, Prismic has a clean and modern design. It offers a Preview feature, basic workflows on user roles, and a free community plan. Prismic also offers support for multi-language and multi-platform content delivery, but users should keep in mind that there are no known integrations for 3rd party localization services currently available.

9. Drupal

Drupal's homepage with a blue, rain-themed design


Drupal is another open-source CMS, written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Fans favor its remarkable flexibility, strong community, and Taxonomy feature to make content organization easier. While Drupal offers inline “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” editing, there isn’t a real-time visual preview, so this may be a consideration for those with less technical teams also working with the CMS.

Conclusion: what’s the best Strapi alternative?

Different organizations have different needs. The only way to find the best Strapi alternative for your organization is to try it for yourself. Use free trial options or get customized demos. The more you know about the CMS you’re choosing, the happier you and your team will be.