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Empower your teams & get a 582% ROI: See Storyblok's CMS in action

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KOX, a company providing forestry and timber industry accessories, sought to redesign their outdated website. The project aimed to create a holistic brand experience around woodland and gardening, with information, guidance, and inspiration. Storyblok was chosen for its multilingual support, user-friendliness, live preview, and time-controlled publication features. Nuxt.js and Vue.js were used alongside Storyblok for implementation. A middleware was developed for specific endpoints. The result was a flexible system that adapts to technical conditions, allows for easy integration of new content, and offers a fast, user-friendly experience. The project successfully transformed the website into a more organized, efficient, and engaging platform for both customers and operators.

Nuxt.js, Vue.js & Laravel
KOX Screenshot