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Empower your teams & get a 582% ROI: See Storyblok's CMS in action

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Nimly is a company that develops solutions for people who want to lock and unlock to provide a more safe and secure home. Their website showcases their product catalogue. The website is built with Next.js and styled-components. The animations that are quite prevalent on the site are composed with Framer Motion, they are preset to each component. When setting up the products, we wanted the client to have an easy way to add, remove and edit the products in one place. We created a folder and then underlying product pages and added a tab for data where all the product specific information was. Then on other pages we built a carousel component with a multioption field where the client could choose which products to display. So whenever the client wants to add in a new product, they simply add a product page and some product data and choose to display that product data in a carousel wherever they want.

Framework Screenshot