Storyblok Raises $80M Series C - Read News

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  • Section titled Storyblok V2: Update 7 Storyblok V2: Update 7

    Changes in: app

    In this update of Storyblok's V2, we implemented the following improvements:

    Section titled General updates

    Section titled Personal Access Token Expiry

    • We have improved security with a Personal Access Token expiry.
    • When you are creating a new Personal Access Token, you are given a choice for how long that token will last.
    • Choices are 30, 60, 90 days, and custom (you can select a custom date).

    Section titled Fixed bugs

    • JS client: Storyblok v5 is not working on React Native on iOS
    • JS client: Cannot create a story: "param is missing, or the value is empty: story"
    • JS client: Fix on error handling
    • JS client: Fix on getAll return type
    • CLI: "update_uuid" endpoint is missing in China environment
    • API: SVG Images served without Dimensions in CDN Image URL
    • Updating metadata of stories changes the status of the story
    • Cloudinary Integration: Working with the Cloudinary new navigation experience
    • Visual editor: Drag and drop blocks to other tabs
    • Visual Editor Library: Performance improvements
    • Block Library: Performance improvements
    • Asset Manager: Performance improvements
    • Asset Manager: Show folders without uuid
    • Fix field type relationship setting
    • Fixed Subscription page not visible to the user with manage permission
    • Fixed an issue on Partner portal app editing doesn’t enable button when changing fieldtype
    • Connect Resolved discussions to the activities log app.
    • Input value incorrect for release scheduling
    • User gets no role if a custom role is being deleted
    • There is no endpoint registered in the response for the comment resolved action.
    • Entries were being created with uuid in the slug
    • Less sensitive search return results in content list
    • Search for stories with apostrophes doesn't show

    Section titled UI/UX Improvements

    • Releases are to be ordered by the creation date
    • The delete modal of a discussion should have a yes and no option when deleting
    • Boolean: Component changed from a checkbox to a toggle
    • Single-option & Multi-options: Loading state animations added
    • Created a new flow to permit trial users to become Community users without the input of the Credit Card