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  • Section titled Storyblok V2: Update 2 Storyblok V2: Update 2

    Changes in: app

    In this update of Storyblok's V2, we implemented the following improvements:

    Section titled General updates

    Section titled Clients

    • JS Client: Version 5 - Removed Axios, Added Typescript, updated documentation, moved v4 to v4 branch
    • CLI: Server location - Updated the CLI Tool to work with server location US

    Section titled Fixed bugs

    • Visual Editor - Visual Editor: Numeric field doesn't show the value when it's a numeric value in the content JSON
    • Design System - Error when filling minDate with the wrong format in documentation
    • Design System - SbSelect component shows an empty tag
    • Responsiveness - Datasource Input Field
    • Discussions inside blocks, do not open in the correct place
    • Content List - Dropdown menu hidden by the Multi-action bar
    • Content List - There are no breadcrumbs when showing folders
    • Content List - Pagination in content breaks when entries are lower than page size
    • Releases - Content issues when changing the Story tag in a release
    • JS Client: TS definition for client.get doesn't allow getting datasources
    • Asset Detail Modal: On typing or changing the value of any field is making unnecessary requests to the backend
    • Fuzzy matches on Salesforce creating Duplicate signup errors for Devs
    • Remove the link to the old survey v2 in UsabilityHub
    • Show correct org and partner roles
    • Duplicated line on dashboard loading
    • Wrong button label for trial plan for space created by partner portal
    • Search countries field cannot search with first capital letter
    • Console error on Partner Portal learning tab
    • Bug with the UI with the validation of dropdowns