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  • Section titled Storyblok V2: Going live! Storyblok V2: Going live!

    Changes in: app

    In this update of Storyblok's V2, we implemented the following improvements:

    Section titled General updates

    Section titled Infrastructure

    • New server location - US (East coast)

    Section titled SDK:

    • JS SDK Beta version (Removed Axios and added TypeScript)

    Section titled Backup/Restore

    • Overwrite space is not updating/creating non-default languages (V1)
    • Last update and author of stories are not being restored in Space full restore
    • The Schema's default preset is not being restored in Space full restore
    • Component groups are not being restored in Space full restore
    • Default asset folder is not being restored

    Section titled Visual Editor

    • Alternative Version
    • Option to add External URL for Asset field type
    • Option to add multiple options to content-type restriction on Single-option and Multi-options field-types
    • Reload button for localhost Preview URLs

    Section titled Digital Asset Manager

    • Asset expiration date

    Section titled Releases app

    • Request review for release added to V2

    Section titled UI/UX Improvements

    • Visual Editor: Single-option and Multi-options field-types redesigned
    • Visual Editor: Tooltip remaining on navigation
    • Visual Editor: Fixed overlay issues
    • Visual Editor: Fixed changes detection for the Discard changes modal
    • Visual Editor: Fixed drag and drop
    • Visual Editor: Option to open schema easier to access
    • Asset Manager: Option to open an asset's folder
    • General: Improvements in setting focus
    • General: Confirmation modal for plan change
    • General: New layouts for generic emails sent
    • General: Search bar for Approval request
    • General: App versioning to return to V1 more easily
    • Workflow: Clickable area expanded to edit workflows

    Section titled Fixed bugs

    • When trying to create a new tag in “Entry configuration”, the tag component has unexpected behaviors
    • Backup Restore - Error on restore when the space has invitations
    • JS SDK: Breaking change in 4.5.0 with resolve_relations
    • JS SDK: Not resolving relations
    • JS SDK: Resolve assets problem
    • JS SDK: Fix TS index declarations
    • JS SDK: Fetching assets via the Storyblok management API doesn't work anymore
    • Failed backup restore error message missing
    • fieldtype property is missing on external links when created with Storyblok v2 UI
    • Visual Editor: Performance improvements
    • Visual Editor: Fixed Block actions options
    • Visual Editor: Fixed required option for Richtext and Asset fields
    • Visual Editor: Advanced Path and cached_url fixed
    • Visual Editor: Links in Richtexts fixed for non-default languages
    • Visual Editor: Unlink option in Richtexts fixed
    • Visual Editor: Several fixes on the Bridge
    • Visual Editor: Fixed Content Locking rules
    • Visual Editor: Link field-type fixes
    • Visual Editor: Fixes and improvements on changing a field type
    • Visual Editor: Numeric and bullet lists fixed
    • Visual Editor: cached_url for Stories in folders
    • Visual Editor: Blocks weren't highlighted in the content form on hovering them in the visual preview
    • Content list: Folder id is shown instead of name
    • Plugins: Interface added
    • Dashboard: My last edit links to the correct route
    • Workflows settings: Save button issues
    • Content settings: Default settings were not applying to stories
    • Content settings: Presets in V2
    • Content settings: Real path field and advanced paths
    • Content status: Status now reflected within the visual editor link field-type
    • Block Library: Reorder options fixed
    • Asset manager: Preview of .svg files fixed
    • Workflow: Permissions are now restrictive visually
    • Space signup: Partner portal user invitations to login page