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  • Section titled Storyblok V2 Beta: Update 12 Storyblok V2 Beta: Update 12

    Changes in: app

    In this update of Storyblok's Version 2 Beta, we implemented the following improvements:

    Section titled SDK

    • JS SDK: Applied .mjs extension
    • PHP SDK: Added SSL parameter to the constructor of the MAPI

    Section titled Workflow

    Section titled Pipeline App

    In V2, you can now create, manage and delete your different pipelines.

    You can manage multiple content pipeline stages.

    • One-click deployment from one pipeline stage to another
    • Preview functionality
    • Access tokens for each pipeline

    Section titled Visual Editor

    Section titled Preset Management

    It's now possible in V2 to manage your Presets. You can now define multiple default values for your components as a developer. For example, a teaser component can have three styles:

    • Teaser with a background image
    • Teaser with text only and solid background-color
    • Teaser with a call to action button

    To make it easier for the editor to find the necessary configuration of these three styles, you can save it as presets and upload a screenshot.

    Section titled

    Section titled General updates

    Section titled API Keys management

    You can now generate all your API keys directly in V2 to better integrate with the visual editor. Associate to a specific Pipeline and access level and set specific minimum cache TTL per Key.

    In V2, we have added a new Trial period notification in the sidebar reminding you when it is time to upgrade to a plan. We have also improved the navigation structure, adding new dropdown menus for the apps you install as well as a Help & Inspiration area that will get you to what you need quickly and in a more organized way.


    Section titled Fixed bugs

    • Design System: App Submenu Open Action
    • Design System: Dropdown menu for search
    • Visual Editor: Rename unsaved field on the Block library
    • Visual Editor: Translated slugs on Entry configuration
    • Digital Asset Management: Memory consumption
    • Releases [V2]: Corrected behavior with the Schedule Button.
    • Background tasks: Further optimized background tasks in deployment
    • General: Scroll bar optimization within the app