Storyblok Raises $80M Series C - Read News

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  • Section titled Sprint 57 - Leonardo Sprint 57 - Leonardo


    Changes in:appmapiapiopen-source

    Improvements & Fixes

    • eCommerce - Updated Shopify plugin

    • Visual Editor - Fixed content refresh after Import translatable fields

    • Multi-Assets - Fixed ordering behavior

    • Link custom attributes - Added the custom attributes to internal links

    • Link custom attributes - Option on the field settings to enable/disable it

    • Custom fields - Fixed to show the missing custom fields for selection in Plugin fields in US Spaces

    • Webhooks - Story full-slug added to the “Story published & unpublished” webhooks’ payloads

    • Components Library - Fixed to don’t copy the preset association on duplicating a Block

    • Releases - Release is not deleted through the Edit modal

    • Releases - Problems with Release list design scroll down

    • Releases API - Add owner_id

    • Roles -  Error when editing roles for users with Username enabled

    • Task App - Radio button dialog values are not grouped correctly

    • Slack - Fix for US spaces

    • JS Bridge - Enhanced to resolve nested relations when editing content

    • JS Client - Update to the color of the highlighted text

    • JS Client - Update Interface to be possible to use all entities of Management API

    • PHP Client - Resolving stories relations fixed

    • Ruby Client - Updated richtext resolver

    • CDN - fixed filter query operator "AND"

    • GraphQL - fixed limit of resolve relations

    • Seat Limit - Fixed not able to add users to space

    • Organization - Fixed the association between the organization user limit and the space users limit

    • Extensions - Improved step size & formatting of the Slider Plugin

    • Extensions - Released alpha of field plugin library & CLI