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Empower your teams & get a 582% ROI: See Storyblok's CMS in action

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  • Section titled Flow and UI Improvements Flow and UI Improvements

    Changes in: app

    We've updated the entry flow into editing as suggested by many feedback we received from you.

    Visual as first focus

    If you now enter a content entry we will directly focus the Visual mode instead of the left sidebar allowing you to directly start editing and creating content.

    First Spot for Visual mode

    Everything that was previously available in the left sidebar and the Edit Navigation is now available on a separate tab called Config allowing you to configure every attribute of the current story in one place.


    Improved Form Only mode

    You can switch between the Editmode Visual and Form only to disable and enable the visual editor which is perfect if you only need a flat content structure or you do not have a website but only an app to display your entries. To make it more usable for you we've updated many details that may have caught you off guard in the past - but shouldn't in the future!

    improved form only