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What characters are permissible for story slugs?

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  • What characters are permissible for content entry slugs?

Latin characters (Latin-1/ISO-8859-1) are permissive to include for story (content entry) slugs. This means including special characters in Latin characters is permissive when users include them in creating stories to set slugs.

Use those special characters in Name {1} to create a new story. By default, Slug {2} automatically detects special characters and replaces them first without non-special characters to avoid encoded slugs.

This is to prevent invalid slugs from being generated and inconsistent.

default slug value without special characters

A default slug value without special characters when filling out the Name input

To include special characters in Slug, replace the characters in the Slug {2}.


Modified Slug with special characters


Including non-ASCII characters in URLs is against what Google states in their SEO guideline. Please consider Google's SEO guidelines when you use special characters in slugs.