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eCommerce Integrations


On May 13th, 2024, Storyblok started gradually rolling out a new design for its Visual Editor. Therefore, the Visual Editor product screenshots depicted in this resource may not match what you encounter in the Storyblok App. For more information and a detailed reference, please consult this FAQ on the new Visual Editor design.

With a quick-growing eCommerce market, the expectations for good performance and excellent user experience are increasing. There are many traditional eCommerce systems like WooCommerce or Magento, which are based on a monolithic architecture and handle the frontend as well as the backend. But more and more eCommerce providers like BigCommerce or Shopify also offer a headless approach with access to your store's data via their API. If you haven’t heard about the advantages of headless systems, you can learn more in our article Headless CMS explained in 5 minutes.

The following guides explain how to connect a headless eCommerce system with Storyblok to build a flexible storefront. With Storyblok’s eCommerce integrations you can easily build performant storefronts with your favorite technology, be it a website or a mobile app, without being constrained by the limitations of more traditional eCommerce systems.

Get access to the eCommerce integrations

Currently, the eCommerce integration plugin is only available for our enterprise customers, but you can get in touch with us to request access.

Section titled Guides

To set up an eCommerce integration you will need the eCommerce field-type plugin and access to an eCommerce API.

  1. Storefront Setup in Storyblok
  2. eCommerce Plugin Setup

In order to set up your plugins you will need API endpoints to one of the following eCommerce providers. Click on the logo to get detailed instructions on how to retrieve the correct endpoints.

Section titled Tutorials

Here are two different examples that show you how to build a storefront with the eCommerce integration plugins and your technology.