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Assets Library

The Asset Library helps keep your images, videos, PDFs, etc. organized in a gallery format. Here, you will be able to provide alt text, a title or caption, tags, copyright date, and a source to the individual image. You can create folders to help organize your images as well.


This doc does not cover the Image Editor. To learn more about our Image Editor, please go to our Image Editor documentation.

Section titled Limits Limits

The table below outlines our Assets limits for our different plans:

FeatureCommunityEntryBusinessEnterpriseEnterprise Plus
Number of Assets2500400010,000UnlimitedUnlimited

Section titled Accessing the Asset Library Accessing the Asset Library

To access the Asset Library, select the {1} Assets tab on the left-side navigation menu.


Section titled Uploading an Asset Uploading an Asset

To upload an asset, click on the {1} Upload Files button on the top-right of the screen. 


Please be aware of any asset type upload restrictions that may apply to you.

Section titled Adding Image Details Adding Image Details

Select any asset in the library {1}.


A {1} full-page modal will appear with {2} details options on the right-hand side. 


Here, there are some features/details you can add to your asset: alt text, a title/caption, tags, make your asset private, add copyright information, select an expiration date for the asset, and add a source URL.

Section titled Features: Features:

Alt textAlternative text; a description for screen readers or for when the asset doesn’t load
Title/CaptionAdd text to the bottom line of wherever the asset is displayed
TagsChoose a tag from the established keywords under your Tags category
Private AssetToggle this on or off to make your asset accessible via an access token
CopyrightAdd copyright information (company, year, etc.) to the asset
Expiration dateSet a date for the asset to be deleted
SourceIf the asset is externally sourced, you can add a link to the original URL

Section titled References References

The {1} References tab displays where the asset is being used in your story {2}.


Section titled Activity Activity

{1} A feature coming soon-- track your asset activity over time.


Section titled Making an Asset Private Making an Asset Private

Select any asset in the library {1}.


On the right-hand side, under {1} Private asset, click {2} the toggle.


This makes your asset only accessible via a token and unavailable to the public.


You can follow this tutorial on how to implement private assets!

Section titled Generating an Asset Token Generating an Asset Token

To access your token, go to the  {1} Settings tab, then the {2} Access Tokens tab and choose {3} Asset. Finally, select the {4} Generate button to create a token.


Here is the generated Asset token {1}:


Section titled Creating Folders Creating Folders

Select the {1} All Folders dropdown menu


A {1} dropdown menu will appear. Select the {2} Plus (+) icon.


{1} Type in a name for the folder, then to save it, select the {2} Checkmark icon


Here is the newly created folder {1} as it lives in the All Folders list:


Section titled Asset Custom Meta Data Asset Custom Meta Data

You can define custom meta fields for your assets and then use the fields to fill in custom data. To do this, navigate to Settings {1} > Asset Library {2}. Next, navigate to Custom metadata fields {3}. Here, you can set custom fields for users to fill in when uploading an asset. You can also set any field as Required.