1. Organization


The Organization endpoint helps obtain comprehensive statistics on your Storyblok spaces. It provides valuable information, such as the number of users within your organization, as well as details like last_sign_in_at or last_sign_in_ip.

You can see an example request and response below:

Example Request
curl -H "Authorization: YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN" https://mapi.storyblok.com/v1/orgs/me
Example Response
  "org": {
    "name": "ORG Name",
    "users": [
        "userid": "exampleemail@storyblok.com",
        "email": "exampleemail@storyblok.com",
        "username": null,
        "real_email": "exampleemail@storyblok.com",
        "avatar": null,
        "id": 106362,
        "organization": null,
        "sign_in_count": 0,
        "created_at": "2022-01-12T12:56:56.806Z",
        "firstname": "Dipankar",
        "lastname": "Maikap",
        "org_role": "member",
        "last_sign_in_at": null,
        "last_sign_in_ip": "",
        "disabled": false,
        "partner_role": null,
        "friendly_name": "Dipankar Maikap",
        "on_spaces": [
        "roles_on_spaces": {
          "123456": [
          "234567": [
    "spaces": [
      {} // space details
    "settings": {},
    "plan": "starter",
    "billing_address": {},
    "user_count": 25,
    "plan_level": 400,
    "max_spaces": 50,
    "max_collaborators": 250,
    "external_users" : [],
    "extended_external_users": [],
    "track_statistics": true,
    "invitations": [
        "id": 105845,
        "email": "exampleemail@storyblok.com",
        "org_id": 34,
        "user_id": 17,
        "expires_at": "2023-06-13T12:28:44.527Z",
        "org_role": "admin",
        "inviter_id": 1,
        "registered": false
    "sso_firstname": null,
    "sso_lastname": null,
    "sso_alt_email": null,
    "strong_auth": null,
    "restricted_regions": []