1. Get Space Info

Get Space Info

This endpoint is used to retrieve the Space Information.

Example Request
$ curl 'https://api.storyblok.com/oauth/space_info' -H 'authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN'

A space object is returned here.

Example Return Object
    "space": {
        "id": 139799,
        "name": "Tests Carlos",
        "domain": "http://quickstart.me.storyblok.com/",
        "plan_level": 500,
        "owner": {
            "id": 104533,
            "email": "carlos.ricciardi@storyblok.com",
            "created_at": "2021-12-15T17:14:09.798Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-02T18:14:10.042Z",
            "access_token": "your_access_token",
            "username": "Carlos",
            "role": null,
            "sso": false,
            "firstname": "Carlos",
            "lastname": "Ricciardi",
            "euid": null,
            "encrypted_otp_secret": "",
            "encrypted_otp_secret_iv": "",
            "encrypted_otp_secret_salt": "",
            "consumed_timestep": 56686494,
            "otp_required_for_login": false,
            "login_strategy": "password",
            "phone": null,
            "alt_email": null,
            "use_username": true,
            "organization": null,
            "org_id": 3,
            "org_role": "admin",
            "timezone": "Etc/GMT+10",
            "disabled": false,
            "notified": [
            "avatar": null,
            "deleted_at": null,
            "lang": "en",
            "email_mapping": null,
            "preferences": {
                "job_role": "Admin3",
                "beta_user": true,
                "is_editor": true,
                "company_name": "Rock Band BR",
                "job_function": "Marketing",
                "business_area": "Accounting",
                "favourite_spaces": [
                "track_statistics": true,
                "first_space_created": true
            "partner_id": 30526,
            "partner_role": "partner_owner",
            "otp_secret": ""
        "languages": [
                "code": "pt-br",
                "name": "Portuguese (Brazil)"
                "code": "en",
                "name": "English"